CBA - Charlton Brown Architects
CBA stands for Charlton Brown Architects
Here you will find, what does CBA stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Charlton Brown Architects? Charlton Brown Architects can be abbreviated as CBA What does CBA stand for? CBA stands for Charlton Brown Architects. What does Charlton Brown Architects mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in London, Greater London, United Kingdom.
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Alternative definitions of CBA
- Chinese Basketball Association
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- College Of Business Administration
- Cell- Based Architecture
- Centrally Billed Accounts
- Curriculum- Basic Assessment
- Conceive Believe And Achieve
- Cost Benefit Analysis
View 194 other definitions of CBA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CF The Carmel Foundation
- CPI Concierge Plus Inc.
- CPL Countryside Properties Limited
- CIMS Common Interest Management Services
- CCIPL Careers Connections International Pty Ltd.
- CCPD Commerce City Police Dept
- CSIT Construction Services Inc. of Tampa
- CVS Crown Veterinary Specialists
- CO The Carolina Opry
- CIO Channel Islands Outfitters
- CDI Carbon Digital Inc.
- CPC Cranberry Psychological Ctr
- CPL Counter Production Ltd
- CSC Coral Sales Company
- CWFNJ Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey
- CMSITPL CMS Information Technology Pty Ltd.
- CCFC Cork City Football Club
- CPD Card Payment Direct
- CPS Catapult Physician Staffing
- CBT Centrality Business Technologies